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A Secret Fate Page 9

  Addison blinked at him and he sensed a tiny bit of … what? Fear? What was she afraid of? Or was it just a flux of uncertainty? Then, when she answered, he realized it wasn’t fear at all. In fact, there was nothing uncertain about this woman that he could see. “I don’t understand why that would be so odd. Breena’s a very intelligent and likeable little girl,” she answered matter-of-factly and with a hint of defiance. He found her bravado a bit too sexy. She paused for a few seconds and added, “She’s come to visit Bart a few times, right Bart?”

  “Oh yeah. Of course. All the time.”

  Cael glanced at his uncle, wanting to ask why he hadn’t mentioned that, but remembered there were too many things that he couldn’t recollect and Bart couldn’t possibly know all of them. Focusing back on Addison he said, “You’ll have to forgive me. I seem to have forgotten a lot of things. You see, the last I recall, Breena was only five years old and …” He trailed off as thoughts of Breena’s mother, Claire, came to his mind, her dark hair blowing in the breeze the day Stefan and she married in the courtyard of the Sectory. Breena looked so much like her now. Claire had been very protective of Breena, never letting anyone other than Siana watch her. A long time ago, he reminded himself, shaking the thought away.

  “Yes, I heard. I’m sorry. You’ve lost five years of your memory, right?” She picked up her beer and sipped, averting her eyes as she did.

  “It appears so.”

  “That must be difficult.”

  “People have been filling me in here and there but it is annoying.” There was something off, the way she seemed to go out of her way not to make eye contact. Was she keeping something from him? “You, uh, didn’t ask me how I lost my memory.”

  Before she could answer, the band began to play, thwarting all possibilities of continuing any decent conversation without yelling. She was definitely a puzzle. A puzzle he wanted to solve.

  Addison turned in her seat to watch the band. Cael followed her eyes as they fell on the lead guitarist, the guy she was with at Breena’s party. Were they a couple? He hadn’t given it a thought when he shook his hand and the guy introduced himself as … what was his name? Aaron? Allen? Aiden?

  Cael wanted to ask Addison to dance except he wasn’t the type to come on to someone else’s woman, if that was the case here. He looked to her left hand for a ring but she seemed to be sitting on it. Perhaps her hands were cold. God knows, as sexy as that outfit was, she must be a bit chilly. He wanted to talk to her some more, and maybe if he held that body of hers in his arms they’d be able to hear to each other over the band. He grinned to himself at the prospect of what she must feel like, but as soon as the thought entered his mind, she stood and said, “Excuse me. I’ll be right back.”


  Addie shoved open the bathroom door, her hand clutched to her forehead. Her heart racing, she struggled to catch her breath as she pressed her palm to her chest and stared at her image in the mirror. “Breathe,” she ordered, inhaling as deeply as she could. She’d panicked at Cael’s inquiry. My God, she hadn’t bothered to inquire about the reason for his memory loss. How could she be so stupid? Any normal person would ask that. Now he had to be suspicious of her. Thank God, the band started up. How would she ever get through this? It would be so much easier just to tell him what he meant to her. She eyed the ring on her finger. Had he seen it? What if he had and came to the horrible conclusion that she was engaged to someone else? Oh no, she hadn’t thought of that. Maybe she should take it off, put it away for a while. The last thing she wanted was to make him think she wasn’t available.

  She tugged the locket, housing the crystal out from under her blouse where she always kept it hidden. Just because Eidolon was dead didn’t mean it was safe to parade around with the thing out for everyone to see. She never knew when the amber-colored stone inside would start to glow. Grasping the round metal case in the palm of her hand, she closed her eyes. Please, please give me the strength to get through this. Give me the strength to be able to be around him and not tell him how much I love him.

  “Addison. Siana is right. It has to be this way, honey.”

  Her eyes popped open at the voice. Her father’s voice. “Daddy?” She glanced around but didn’t see him anywhere. The light from the crystal glowed so brightly she had to shield her eyes. “Where are you?”

  “Here.” She turned toward the sound of his voice and there he stood in the mirror, only an image this time. Was it her imagination? He’d always appeared to her in the flesh before, so real all the other times. Or were those times always in a dream? No. He’d appeared outside in the garden at the Sectory with her mother after Siana had first told her about her mother and the twin brother she’d never known about.

  “Don’t worry about the details, Addison. I can and will appear to you in many different forms depending on the situation.”

  “You read my mind?”

  “Of course. I’m a part of you and I always will be. As long as you wear the crystal, you have the gift to see and speak to me. But I can’t always appear as a real person, like here in this room. It would be too dangerous if someone were to come in. I can fade more quickly this way.”

  “Dad.” She touched the mirror, a cold hard surface.

  “Sweetheart, you and Cael are meant to be together, but if you want it to be the way it was before, he must learn about you on his own. He will need to fall in love with you all over again. Think about it, if the situation were reversed and you suddenly couldn’t remember parts of your past and someone told you that you were engaged or in love with a man you have no recollection of, a man you only see as a stranger, how would you react? If you or anyone tells him how he used to feel, don’t you think that would be hard for him?”

  “Yes, but …” She kept her voice low, almost a whisper. The last thing she needed was for someone to walk in and find her talking to herself. “How can I keep this from him? What if he doesn’t come to love me the way he did?”

  At that moment, the door opened. Addie gasped and turned to shield the crystal with her body as the gem’s illumination slowly dulled, returning to the appearance of just an ordinary locket.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,” a young woman said, giving Addie a pleasant smile.

  “No. It’s okay. I was just … deep in thought.” Addie tucked the locket back inside her blouse and turned toward the dark-haired girl, a lovely young woman she’d never seen before, most likely a tourist. Addie found herself admiring the stranger’s outfit, a black long-sleeved top with a white lace squared-off neckline paired with tan slacks made of soft-looking silk, a broad waistband, gathering below with pockets at the hips and then tapering to a slim fit down the ankle. A comfortable-looking pair of slacks that still looked dressy, especially when they stopped just above those black sling-back open-toed wedges. Addie instantly had a case of outfit envy.

  The girl eyed Addie suspiciously. God, did she hear her talking to her dad or see the brightness from the crystal? Perhaps it was just the way Addie stood gawking at the young lady. Addie shook her head. “Sorry for staring. I love your outfit.”

  “Thanks. Neiman Marcus.”

  “Oh. I don’t believe we have one of those anywhere close by.”

  The woman nodded. “Probably not. I got this in San Francisco. You may not have the stores here, but you can’t deny the great scenery. I’d love to live here. You’re very lucky. Besides, you can get all this online.”

  “That’s true.” Or she could ask Siana to take her to San Francisco for a shopping spree, or maybe even Cael, if they ever reconciled their relationship. Needing something to do, Addie washed her hands as the woman checked her make-up. “Well, then, you’re just visiting our town?”

  “That’s right. So glad we stumbled upon it on our early spring break.” With that, the girl stepped into the stall. The young lady had a good point, Whisper Cape was a wonderful place to live, even if they didn’t have any major department stores. She thought about how much her life ha
d changed since she moved to this small town a little over a year ago. “Sleepy” was the adjective the brochures used, but Whisper Cape had been anything but sleepy for the past six months. She glanced back at the mirror, then down at her left hand where Cael’s ring sat on her finger. Sliding the diamond ring off, she tried to slip it on her other hand, thinking she’d take it off when she got home and store it away for safe-keeping. But the fingers on her right hand must be fatter, because the ring wouldn’t go over her knuckle. She closed her eyes. What now? She didn’t want to lose it, so she put it back on her left hand and prayed she could keep it hidden from sight by sitting on it.


  Just his luck, she’d pick that moment to go powder her nose or whatever women did in the restroom. Cael’s right leg shook uncontrollably waiting for Addison to return and he rubbed his thigh to make it stop. He’d wanted to take advantage of the slow music so they could dance close and talk. Why was he nervous about asking a woman to dance? Shit. By the time she returned, the music would probably change to something fast and loud and then he wouldn’t be able to make himself heard. He sipped his beer and tried to relax and enjoy the song. Maybe they’d play another slow one soon.

  He glanced up as Addison approached, her hips swaying ever so gently in that tight skirt and he smiled, excited at the prospect of a holding her in his arms. He considered how her skin might feel under his touch and … oh, it was probably a little too soon to be thinking along those lines, considering he knew nothing about her. Still, she was so sexy. He really wanted to take some time and find out more about her. He’d never been one to actively chase a female. They usually approached him, but there was something about this one that drew him to her. His smile disappeared when Aiden put his guitar down and sashayed onto the dance floor, grabbing Addison around the waist, rocking her in his arms to the rhythm of the music. And didn’t that just grate on his conscience? No way he’d pursue another man’s woman. He thought of asking Bart if they were a couple, but he didn’t feel much like getting into a conversation about a woman just then. Any woman. Instead, his mind drifted to memories of Stefan and Claire and the love they’d shared. Then thoughts of Ristéard clouded his vision, scouring his mind of all thoughts of love, sex and holding a beautiful woman in his arms.

  Chapter 9

  Addie eyed the ring on her hand as she made her way back to the table where Cael and Bart sat, wishing she’d remembered to take it off and leave it at home. Suddenly Aiden grabbed her around the waist and twirled her around the dance floor. She thought she’d die of embarrassment when he swept her up in his arms in front of the whole world. What must Cael think? She placed her hand on Aiden’s chest, trying to distance herself from his grasp. It didn’t work and probably looked more like she was just touching him there on his chest where his shirt was open, exposing a round, silver medallion he wore amidst the cluster of soft dark hairs peeking out from the last button. Not wanting to make a scene, she slowly moved her hand from his chest. “What are you doing?” she whispered, but couldn’t help smiling when his sexy grin caught her off guard.

  “This is the first time you’ve been here in a month. I’ve been dying to dance with you since I first laid eyes on you back at our first performance. I just want you to know that I’m thinking about you. One little dance won’t hurt.”

  She stole a glance back at the table where Cael sat studying his beer and not paying any attention at all to what she was doing. Somewhere deep down inside she was glad, remembering how jealous he used to get about Gerry, but it hurt so much to realize he just didn’t seem to notice her.

  “I know you’re excited about having your guy back, but I wanted to get in a dance with you before it was too late.” Aiden’s thigh was against hers; his tight jeans rubbed along her bare skin, making her skirt rise up even more.

  “I don’t have him back. He doesn’t even know who I am.”

  “Well, if he never regains his memories of you, remember I’m here for you. I mean, I have a shoulder for you or anything else your heart desires.”

  “Really, Aiden. He hasn’t been back a week yet. I think you could give him more time than that before expecting me to just throw in the towel and come running into your arms.”

  “Oh, I like the sound of that, love.”

  God, what was she going to do with him? He wasn’t going to give up easily. “You know, Aiden, I appreciate how good a friend you’ve been over the past few weeks. I truly don’t think I would have come out of hiding and faced the world again if it weren’t for you.”

  “You were wastin’ away, darlin’. Somebody had to do something. I had to practically drag you out of that beach house.”

  “I know. You’ve been … amazing, really, the best friend anyone could be.”


  She looked in his eyes, blue eyes turning that deeper shade they always did whenever he stared into hers, so full of compassion and kindness. She didn’t want to hurt him. She truly liked him and knew that if Cael hadn’t come back she possibly could have fallen for him … in time. But Cael had come back. “But, you know this can’t go anywhere. You and me, I mean.”

  “One can only hope,” he said as his lips curved toward his dimples.

  “Aiden, please. This is very hard for me. You can’t just sweep me off my feet into a dance like this, especially in front of Cael. He …”

  “He might think you’re taken.”


  He sighed. “Or it could just make him more curious. You know, this could be a good thing.”

  “How’s that?”

  “It might be good for him to see you dancing with another guy. Maybe spark a hint of jealousy. Get him to check out what the other guy has, or in this case wants to have.”

  “How can he be jealous of something he doesn’t remember? But regardless, I don’t think he’d like it at all if he knew what it was he was supposed to know.” Now that just sounded a little confusing even to her and she closed her eyes for some clarity.

  “That’s the thing now, isn’t it? He doesn’t have a clue. Now I know for a fact that if I see a pretty lady and I’m thinking about her the way he should be thinking about you and saw her dancing with some other guy, especially in this outfit, well, I’d just have to inquire about her situation. Find out if there was more to this girl than meets the eye. If she was available, then one never knows what fate has in store.”

  “Fate?” There was that word again. She and Cael were supposed to be fated, so surely Cael would pursue her. Eventually. But having Aiden running interference all the time didn’t seem like the best thing in the world to get Cael interested in her again.

  “Yeah. Fate.”

  “You can’t just take it upon yourself to do things like this. I need to know ahead of time.”

  “But then it would look staged. I liked the surprise on your face and I’m sure he did too.”

  “Look. I appreciate what you are trying to do, but it isn’t going to work. I know Cael. He’s not the type to encroach on another man’s interest. So please, I don’t think this is helping.”

  “Okay. I get it.” Aiden sighed and twirled her around so her back faced the table where Cael sat.

  “Do you?” she asked, trying to get him to turn back the other way. She needed to see, to know if Cael was watching.

  Aiden must have felt her tug as he tightened his arm around her waist, turning their bodies to give her a clear view of the table. “Yes. I … just know that I care for you, okay?”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “Can we still be friends?”

  “Yes, but you can’t act like this. You can’t just … you just can’t.”

  Aiden closed his eyes for a brief second and gently pressed his lips against her forehead. “Okay. It will be difficult, but I’ll back off.” She gave him a wry look. “I promise.” Releasing her, he held up his hands, bowed his head, and just like that, he walked back on stage and picked up his guitar. He began to strum slowly, then faster
and the new band member who’d taken Finn’s place took the cue and picked up the banjo. Addie could have sworn Aiden sounded just like Marcus Mumford as he crooned out his own rendition of the English band’s “I Will Wait.” She could have died a hundred times inside knowing what those words meant and the many times she’d sung them herself, wishing Cael would return to her. Glancing toward the table where she’d left Cael sitting with Bart, her heart sank to her toes when she saw his empty chair.


  Unable to think clearly, Cael proceeded to remove his sorry ass from the bar. He’d said his goodbyes to Bart, apologizing for bailing on him and left without any further explanation. As he approached the door, he paused, looked back at the couple swaying together and talking. Man, it seemed like he was always too late or too busy when it came to women. The right kind of women, which was very unfortunate in this case, because Addison seemed like someone he’d like to get to know better. But it was clear to him that she and Aiden most definitely had something going. He supposed that glinting rock on her finger wasn’t just for decoration but most likely meant that the two were engaged to be married, or maybe already were.

  As he turned back toward the door, he stopped dead in his tracks. “What the hell?” he muttered as his eyes locked with the cold, blue steel of the ones that just entered the room. There was no mistaking that face, ever. He hadn’t seen it since he was ten; but still, he’d know his father’s face anywhere. The dark hair was mixed with sprinkles of grey and worn short. The mustache Cael remembered watching his dad trim in the mornings as a kid, wishing he could grow one, had morphed into a neatly trimmed goatee, also a mixture of grey and dark brown.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” He all but growled out the words in a low hushed voice.

  “Cael? My God, look at you! You’re all … grown up.”

  “That usually happens and is most often a shock to someone who hasn’t seen their kid for twenty years.” The sarcasm poured from his lips so thick with hate, he could have sliced it with a sword. “I’ll repeat, what the hell are you doing here?”