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Reflections Page 18
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Page 18
“I’m going for drinks. Addison, what would you like?” Cael asked.
Addie glanced at Breena and said, “I’ll have a ginger ale.”
Cael grimaced and leaned down close to Addie’s ear. “You can have one glass of wine and still retain all your faculties, you know.”
“Yeah, I know. I just don’t feel like drinking tonight.”
Cael shrugged and walked to the bar where Darcy—God bless Darcy for wanting to tend bar tonight—stood next to Gerry, pouring drink after drink, while Nick was down at the other end doing the exact same thing. The band brought out practically every local within ten miles.
“So, did you eat dinner here?” Addie asked Breena.
Breena nodded with a grin. “I had fish and chips. It was really good.”
The band came out with an explosion as music permeated the air in the small restaurant, the sound drowning out all attempts at conversation, but Addie didn’t mind. She recognized the first tune as ACDC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long” and couldn’t help but get caught up in the beat as everyone sang along. It wasn’t until halfway through Aiden’s rendition of Bruno Mars’ “Just the Way You Are” that she even realized Careen wasn’t up on stage singing with the band. She looked around, but didn’t see the bitch anywhere. The search and concern for the woman’s whereabouts ended almost as quickly as the thought entered her mind and Addie became lost in the beautiful music. Aiden’s voice was like heaven in her ears and every time he sang the words about being amazing, he’d glance directly at Addie—or did she just imagine that? She became so captivated by the smooth lyrics that she flinched when Cael came up behind her, startling her as he placed his hands on her shoulders.
The music blared and patrons sang along. This was great; Maia picked up her soda and sipped through the straw. Gerry was going to be thrilled with the way the town embraced this concept, Maia thought. Placing her hand over her babies, she was glad her twins were cushioned inside her womb, protected from the intense loud electric base vibrating in her ears. Careen hadn’t shown for the first two numbers and Maia wondered where she was. Maybe she hadn’t been faking the laryngitis after all. Gerry hadn’t mentioned anything more about it; not that she’d actually spoken much to Gerry in the past two day, since the night he told her they should get married because of the twins. In fact, they’d gone out of their way to avoid each other like the plague; at least it seemed that way. Gerry had been coming in well after midnight every night since then. The bar closed at ten during the week, so she figured he’d stayed late doing paper-work. She hoped that was the reason.
Aiden’s voice interrupted her thoughts as he announced into the microphone, “And now ladies and gents, the lovely, vivacious Careen Faraday.”
Maia stared as Careen stepped out from somewhere in the crowd dressed in a shimmering, body-hugging silver one-piece pantsuit. Finn helped her up onto the stage.
Applause broke out all around. Careen soaked up every ounce of admiration and then began to sing.
“My God, she looks like someone poured her into that outfit,” Addie whispered. “You know, Gerry told me she could do voice manipulation.”
When Maia only stared back, Addie continued. “Didn’t he tell you?”
Maia shook her head.
“She has that ability. He said she can generate vocal sounds and change her voice to be anything. That’s why she can sing so well. She can make animal sounds too,” she giggled and Maia couldn’t help but giggle too. “Apparently, realistic ones.”
Maia shook her head and rolled her eyes, appreciating her niece’s support, but almost choked on her drink as Careen began to sing. Yep, she must have been faking that raspy voice the other night. Voice tricks aside, Maia was actually very impressed and maybe a little bit jealous as Careen performed the soft melody of, “Make You Feel My Love,” sounding very similar to Adele’s rendition.
As Careen sang the very romantic, persuasive and enticing words that had practically every guy in the bar mesmerized, her eyes remained focused toward the bar. When Maia followed the woman’s gaze, she realized Careen was singing this song to only one man, Gerry. He stared back as though dazed and under some sort of spell. It wasn’t until Darcy poked him in the ribs to get him to move out of her way that he stopped ogling Careen. Looking a little chagrined, he turned to grab a couple of beers from behind him and placed them in front of two guys at the bar.
God, could Careen actually have had something to do with Gerry not coming home? Could she have persuaded Gerry to rekindle the old flame he’d had for her after all? Maia swallowed as a heavy lump formed in her throat.
Then Maia’s mind took on another horrible thought. If Careen was capable of any sort of voice manipulation … then … no, that’s ridiculous. Careen wouldn’t be sending warnings.
As Careen sang, Cael grabbed Addison’s hand, pulling her up from her seat and leading her out to the dance floor. He held her close as they began to sway. He’d never considered himself a great dancer, but Addison never had any problem following him and he loved feeling her move against him.
“Thought you’d never ask.” She smiled up at him.
“You know me. I like to take things slow and easy.” Addison blushed, exactly the reaction he’d wanted.
“Keep this up and you might be sorry we’re bringing Breena home with us tonight.”
“Well, in that case …” he shoved her away and slowly twirled her around, “we should keep our distance.”
“The song is too slow for that stuff.” She laughed as she flowed back into him with a seductive grace. “Besides, I could stay like this forever,” she purred into his ear.
“Hmmm … how long is Breena staying with us?”
“A week or so.”
“That long?”
“It was your idea, Flyboy, remember?”
“No. Actually, it was yours.”
“Oh. Well, you were very quick to agree and it was your idea for her to stay a week.”
“You know, I don’t always have the best ideas, and you don’t always have to go along with them.”
“Now you tell me.” She laughed again. “Don’t worry. I’m sure the time will whiz by.”
The music picked up and the dance floor filled with people as Cael and Addison became surrounded by other dancers, completely obscuring the table where Breena sat. Cael tried to peek over the people, which for him should have been easy, but the tall couple to his side blocked his view. He danced his way around them, tugging Addison with him and stopped in his tracks when he saw the child’s empty seat. Choked with panic and darting his eyes everywhere, fearing someone abducted her, he shouted to Addison over the music, “Breena’s missing!”
The tug on his shirt had him turning to see a giggling Breena dancing with his uncle. He sighed in relief and rolled his eyes. Grabbing his favorite little girl up into his arms, he twirled her around the dance floor, leaving a laughing Addison to dance with Bart.
After several dances, Breena said she was thirsty and so was Cael. He led Breena back the table and Addison stayed out on the dance floor with Bart.
The band finished their first set and it was time to get Breena out of the bar. She’d had two Shirley Temples and a bowl full of popcorn. If they stayed any longer, the child was sure to develop a stomachache in the middle of the night, something Cael did not want to deal with, particularly the very first night.
As he hoisted Breena up out of her seat, he motioned to Addison that it was time to go. She stood against the wall talking to Aiden. Cael wasn’t in the habit of intruding into her thoughts—just because he could didn’t mean he should—but man, the look on her face had him wondering what the hell Aiden said to her to make her blush that way.
Addison, we need to get Breena out of here. It’s getting too rowdy now for a little girl.
She glanced over at him and held up her finger. She shook her head at Aiden, smiling, then said something to him before turning away and wal
king toward Cael. Cael stared at Aiden as the guy’s eyes followed Addison’s rear end, his Addison, as she walked away from Aiden. Addison wore one of her short tight skirts and three-inch spiky heels. Although Cael loved the way she looked, he did not like the thoughts that were seeping from the guy’s mind.
What was that about? Cael couldn’t help asking through their minds. He didn’t want to cause a scene just in case it was something he should worry about.
What? “Oh,” she said when she realized who held Cael’s attention. We were just talking about music. He’s really very good, don’t you think?
Humph. He seemed to have something else on his mind.
You have to be kidding. He’s harmless, although he is very attractive. She smirked. He’s just a nice person, that’s all.
“Right.” He turned to Siana and Bart. “You two can stay if you want. We’ll take Breena to the beach house and get her settled in.”
Siana reached out for Breena, pulling her in for a tight squeeze. “You remember everything we discussed.”
Breena nodded.
“Okay. Keep your thoughts to yourself if it happens and don’t forget to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’”
“I won’t.”
“I’ll miss you.”
“Me too.”
“Cael, her bags are in Bart’s car. We came here from his house. I’ll be staying there for a couple of days if you need me.”
Cael grimaced. “You don’t trust us?”
“Of course I do. I haven’t spent time with Bart in so long, and well, it was just as easy to pack two bags as it was one.”
“Oh, Cael, the guinea pig is at my house still,” Bart chimed in. “Didn’t want to bring the little guy here, so you can get him tomorrow—don’t forget.”
“Oh, right. Okay, come on squirt.” Cael grabbed Breena’s hand with one of his and Addison’s with the other.
It was close to eleven o’clock when they materialized inside the beach house. Cael put Breena’s bag next to the bed Addison had fixed up for her.
“Wow. My own bed?”
“Well, of course. We didn’t think you’d like sleeping on the sofa all the way downstairs.”
“This is so cool. Did you guys just buy all this stuff? Are you planning to have kids?”
Addison gasped. Cael coughed, then chuckled.
Addison quickly grabbed the handle on the suitcase. “Let’s see what you have in here. It’s awfully heavy,” she groaned. Lifting the pink case up on the bed, she unzipped it, revealing two neat piles of pretty dresses, pants and tops to match, two pairs of pajamas, three pairs of shoes, one pair of boots, and a week’s worth of underwear.
“Looks like you’re all set. We can stick some of this stuff in the dresser and hang the dresses. That way you won’t have to live out of the suitcase while you’re here.” While Addison hung up the dresses and put the other things in the dresser, Breena reached into the outside zippered pouch and pulled out a toothbrush and toothpaste. She turned to Cael, “I suppose you’re gonna want me to go to bed now.”
“Well, it is close to 11:00 o’clock. Aren’t you tired?” Cael asked a bit perplexed.
“No. Can we watch a movie?”
“No. You might not be tired, but I am,” he complained.
“I don’t need you to sit and watch a movie with me,” she said with her hands on her hips.
“Breena,” Addison rescued him. “I don’t think we have any movies that you would like. Tomorrow we’ll go to Manny’s store in town and see if we can find something you might enjoy. How’s that?”
She really was very good with kids. Cael couldn’t understand why Addison didn’t want to talk about having one.
“Okay.” Breena tilted her head from side to side as she strolled into the bathroom looking like she didn’t have a care in the world, toothbrush and toothpaste in hand. She shut the door without a backward glance, leaving Addison and Cael standing beside the bed. They looked at each other and cracked up.
Once they had Breena tucked in and cozy in bed, Cael took Addison’s hand and walked her to their bedroom, shutting the door as quietly as he could. Her hand still grasped in his, he drew her in, leaned his forehead against hers. “You’re amazing.”
“Well, I used to be a little girl, you know.”
“Really? I sort of pictured you as always being this vibrant, sexy beauty that can never seem to keep her hands off me.”
“Ha, I think you need a reality check. It’s your hands that are always on me.”
Chapter 20
Maia descended from the dilapidated steps of the jeep onto the smooth asphalt of her driveway. Replacing the jeep was still on top of her list of things she needed to discuss with Gerry. Why she kept forgetting was beyond her; she thought of it practically every time she stepped in or out of it. She’d forgotten to leave the porch light on and with the heavy cloud cover it was quite dark. She fiddled with the key at the front door, missed the keyhole and was certain she’d scratched the hell out of the lock.
She sighed heavily as she entered the dark and quiet living room. The band’s debut performance two nights ago had been a smash but Maia hadn’t been back to the bar since. She had left that night shortly after Cael and Addie. She’d seen and heard enough of the wicked witch’s golden voice. She hadn’t liked the way Gerry had stared at Careen that night and didn’t care to witness it again. Given Careen’s special ability to manipulate her voice, no wonder every man in the bar, Gerry included, couldn’t take his eyes off her while she sang. Maia had to have faith that nothing was really going on between Gerry and his ex, but why hadn’t Gerry told her about Careen’s ability?
It had been a long day. She’d visited with Addie and Breena, a delightful little girl, but Maia was exhausted from all her questions about the twins and the pregnancy. It must have been the very first time Breena had ever met a pregnant woman. All Maia wanted now was some comfort and familiarity. Without even turning on any lights, Maia placed her keys on the kitchen table before heading up the dark stairway to their bedroom. She normally left a light on downstairs for Gerry, but the idea of taking a step in the opposite direction from a blissful night’s rest toward the light switch required more energy than she could muster. Gerry wouldn’t mind, not with his cat-like vision. The man could see perfectly well in the dark. Upon entering the bedroom, she flipped the switch on the wall and the bedside table lamp emitted a very romantic, soft glow. Except, there was no romance tonight. She looked at the messy bed and grimaced because the ivory chenille coverlet that had belonged to her mother, hung halfway to the floor. She’d forgotten to make the bed and the sheets still lay tangled up with the beautiful bedspread. Depression had hit her right in the chest that morning, leaving her disheartened. She and Gerry barely said two words to each other. The lack of conversation between them over the past couple of days only fueled the tension. On top of that, she’d been exhausted after getting only a few hours of sleep last night.
Still, glad to be home, Maia changed into a comfortable nightgown and prepared the bed for what would probably be another sleepless night. She propped up a couple of pillows on her side and settled in with a book.
She read a few chapters but as she flipped the page to continue, sound of her own voice startled her again. “Don’t worry about Gerry. He’s completely devoted to us.” Searching the room, she didn’t see anyone. She wasn’t afraid, just very intrigued as to how and why she kept hearing her own voice outside her head when she knew she wasn’t doing the talking. But it was her voice. Maia was no stranger to abilities, or supernatural gifts, as she liked to think of them. Even though she never possessed any of her own, she’d grown up with one of the most powerful men in the world, a man who, like his daughter, Addie, could move objects with his mind and set fire to things simply by pointing at them. They both could actually conjure up and throw fireballs. She’d yet to see that—something to put on her to-do list.
But why this voice, her own voic
e, all of a sudden, and what about seeing the older version of herself at the store and on the trail? At least, she assumed it was some future vision of her. The way it went in and out of focus was very curious, reminding her of an old-fashioned movie projector, before auto-focus came along.
It must be the twins. Shoving the covers away, she stood and walked over to the full-length mirror in the corner of the room. Maia stood, tilting her head at different angles, turning her body sideways and back again, scrutinizing herself. She reached out to touch the glass, as did her reflection. Nothing strange about that, she mused, but when she pulled her hand back to her side, the one in the mirror stayed outstretched for a few seconds longer before the reflection once again mirrored her.
Walking into a pitch-black room never bothered Gerry before, but something about coming home to a dark house on this particular night nettled the tiny hairs on the back of his neck. It was past eleven, but he hoped Maia was still awake because there were some things he wanted to say to her. He hadn’t talked to her, really talked to her other than a short “hello,” “goodbye,” or “see you later” for a day and a half. In fact, they seemed to be avoiding each other. He didn’t mind that so much, considering he hadn’t been ready to discuss the subject that seemed to lurk like a big grey elephant in every room they were in together. He knew what he wanted to do but needed a little extra time. He’d been stupid, an idiot, but now he wanted everything to be perfect. In order for everything to work out right, Maia and he would actually have to be on some sort of level ground as far as speaking terms, which they were not.
It only took a minute for his eyes to adjust to the darkness and he walked up the steps toward the bedroom, not bothering to turn the lights on in case Maia was sleeping. It wasn’t that late and for her to go upstairs without leaving a light on for him, well, it just tore into his soul, knowing he’d upset her so much.